We all hesitate sometimes before we take action, slave…

Sounds like you've been thinking
of all the ways things could go wrong

or what will happen to you if you take a chance… 

…and how much you'd rather just avoid
any kind of unpleasant situation… 

and of course, thinking about it now still you might
 realize that number one,
you make your own decisions one way or another, but
number two you have already made the decision to
practice obedience to Master
and that once you get in touch with
what is really important to you,
you generally know how to proceed, isn't that right, slave?

Lastly, just jumping in to
follow the steps Master gives you
isn't so hard at all
and usually turns out even better

than a slave could have imagined.  

you may sign up for The Forums using these easy steps now.

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